I overheard a conversation at a children’s birthday party yesterday, which popped back up into my head in the middle of the night and kept me awake: A mother who is very conscious and intentional about raising her children bilingual explained that due to all the different dialects in Spanish, she is teaching her kids…
Free Time
Ironically, this blog has made it into my decluttering pile. Once you declutter „things“ long enough, you start decluttering other aspects of your life and question the reason and purpose of time commitments, relationships, etc. I am two years behind with creating our family photo books and half a year behind writing in the funny-things-our-kids-do-and-say…
If you grew up without a cell phone, do you remember how Sundays felt like during high school?I would sleep in, have a long breakfast, and didn’t feel like doing schoolwork at all. There was not much on TV and with my parents around, it wasn’t fun watching television anyways, or it was occupied by…
The Joy of Deficits
I often realize that I start my posts with „a friend and I have been talking…“. But it’s true, like many others I do gain a lot of input from people around me. So, a friend and I were talking the other day about family members. How you can’t choose the family you are born…
Is It Therapy?
Sometimes when I talk to friends about saving money and buying things, we often get carried away about WHY we buy all those things, and everyone has different reasons, and it’s so hard to discuss all of them during small talk. So I thought I’d make a list of all the possibilities I can think…
German Minimalism?
Our decluttering journey has been pretty successful and gotten pretty far, especially since my husband jumped on board last year. We started the new year by scrapping a metal shed, which we both had disliked since we got it. We redistributed its content and sold more than half of it. So since our decluttering has…
Decluttering with Kids
During the peak of my decluttering high, I would mention how great it felt to other moms, and how my kids play better with their toys now, how clean-up is manageable, and all that. I usually heard the same responses: Oh, I would love that too, but it’s hard with the kids around. Or: My…
Decluttering Your Schedule
I asked Andreea, if she has an idea for this week’s blog, and she suggested „decluttering your schedule“. My first thought was, yes, great idea, I can definitely do that. Then my second thought was, but I am not very good at it myself, especially lately. Right now I feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and overextended. I…
Typewriter Minimalism, not typewritten
Ever since my love for typewriters ignited around six weeks ago, and I publicly admitted to it, I received my fair share of skepticism and disbelief. It wasn’t just of the people around me, I also felt quite ashamed and embarrassed myself, having praised minimalism as a true life changer. Which I still believe, by…
Christmas Minimalism
The title could as well be black milk. I told a friend the other day, „Bei Weihnachtssachen hört bei mir der Minimalismus auf.“ / „Minimalism stops for me at Christmas things.“ She answered, „Ha, na da bin ich ja beruhigt.“ / „Good, that’s reassuring.“ But I think that depends on the perspective. After the last…